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Permanent Exhibit

The current exhibit, Peace and War: The Assyrian Conquest of Lachish is displayed in place of the permanent exhibit.

Please contact the museum for additional information.


The Lynn H. Wood Archaeological Museum invites you to journey into the biblical world, where you will find ancient ceramic vessels with powerful stories to tell. Through their testimony, we can journey back in time to the age of Abraham and David, Deborah and Esther, Nebuchadnezzar and Jeremiah—themselves vessels called to carry on the message to future generations. Archaeology has dramatically brought these people, places, and events of the biblical history to life, enabling us to touch the past and learn its lessons.

In the lobby, a tile compass indicating true north invites you to experience these vessels of time as you journey into the biblical world.

The permanent exhibition is organized in chronological order. The objects date from the invention of writing and the first cities—from 3200 B.C. to the Roman Empire in the Byzantine Period in A.D. 450—a journey of more than 3,500 years of history. To make this journey possible, we chose to focus on only one aspect of ancient life for each period. The theme for each case was chosen based on a major characteristic of that time. Together, they not only form a sequential movement through time, but also give glimpses of different aspects and their use as illustrated in more than 200 photographs and illustrations. Biblical passages connect the themes to known biblical events, emphasizing the authenticity of the biblical story.

Ur and the Dawn of Urbanism

Early Bronze Age I-III (3200 - 2400 B.C.)

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Pastoralism in Rural Canaan/Death and Burial

Early Bronze Age IV (2400 - 2000 B.C.)

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Clothing and Style

Middle Bronze Age I-II (2000 - 1750 B.C.)

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Ceramic Innovation and Craft Specialization

Middle Bronze Age III (1750 - 1550 B.C.)

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Trade and Commerce

Late Bronze Age I-II (1550 - 1300 B.C.)

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Local Developments: Rise of Nations

Late Bronze Age III (1300 - 1185 B.C.)

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Agricultural Life in the Highlands

Iron Age I (1200 - 1000 B.C.)

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The Temple: Cultic Life in Israel

Iron Age (966 B.C.)

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Fortifying the Monarchy

Iron Age IIA (1000 - 900 B.C.)

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Assyrian Warfare and Sennacherib

Iron Age IIB (900 - 700 B.C.)

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The Final Days of Judah

Iron Age III (700 - 586 B.C.)

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Nebuchadnezzar: Builder of Babylon

Babylonian Period (605 - 539 B.C.)

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Persian Period (539 - 332 B.C.)

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Greece: The Hellenistic Age of Alexander

Hellenistic Period (332 - 37 B.C.)

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Monuments and Madness

Roman-Herodian Period (37 B.C. - A.D. 70)

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The Rise of Christianity

Roman-Byzantine Period (A.D. 70 - 476)

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Vessels in Time

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