Persian Period (539 - 332 B.C.)
The Persian king Darius I initiated the construction of a new capitol at Susa and a splendid city at Persepolis. These centers were completed by his sons, Xerxes, known also in the book of Esther as Ahasuerus. The Apadana was the main audience chamber of Susa and Persepolis. The enormous structure was roofed with beams supported by 36 magnificent columns. Each column towered more than 65 feet into the air. Excavators believe that it could have accommodated 10,000 people. It was through this intimidating building that Esther and her handmaids approached the king, based on the details provided (Esther 5:1-3).
This 1/72 scale model was built and hand painted by Kenneth Olsen, one of the country's
most skilled artists and model makers. Look carefully to find Xerxes seated upon the
throne, and Esther and her handmaidens, exiting the Apadana.