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Greece: The Hellenistic Age of Alexander

Hellenistic Period (332 - 37 B.C.)

The sweeping conquest of Alexander the Great brought East and West into contact. Learning and philosophy had reached a peak in Greece and would become a major force in the formation of the new empire. As a result of Alexander's conquest, Greek language was widely popularized and became a vehicle of unification until it was spoken throughout the Mediterranean world. Hellenistic thinking was expressed in the theater, arts, and artistic expression. For the first time, a new pantheon of gods would come into contact with Judaism and Christianity.

The tremendous expansion of Alexander's empire also facilitated trade throughout the Mediterranean and the East. Rhodes was known for wine exports, and the amphora containing the wine have been found throughout the Hellenistic world. This Rhodian amphora handle identifies the name of the winery with a stamp.

Rhodian amphora handle with an inscription linking it back to a specific winery.