Ur and the Dawn of Urbanism
Early Bronze Age I-III (3200 - 2400 B.C.)
The journey begins in the Early Bronze Age. The city of Ur characterized much of what
was happening at this time. Urbanism was a major characteristic as city-states were
established throughout Mesopotamia and Syria-Palestine. The dawn of urbanism gives
way to monumental architecture, art, music, and trade. According to Genesis, this
was a time when God called Abraham to leave the city of Ur—during the peak of its
power in the Ur III period. Artifacts excavated at Ur demonstrate the rich background
that urban inhabitants experienced in this culture. Archaeologists found that soon
after this great renaissance, urbanism collapsed. There is no clear explanation of
what happened or why the sudden collapse, but one reflects on the biblical story and
the timeliness of God's call and Abraham's faith to follow it.