Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan
Average turn-around time is 10 days for books and two days for journal articles. You can request an item and manage your loans by accessing your interlibrary loan account.
What may I NOT borrow through interlibrary loan?
The following items can NOT be borrowed through interlibrary loan.
- Required course textbooks (some are on hold behind the circulation desk)
- Materials that already reside in McKee Library's collections
- Recreational reading, personal materials, and materials for relatives or friends
- Whole periodical issues or volumes
- Rare or valuable materials
- Bulky or fragile materials
As a faculty member, can I request textbooks through interlibrary loan?
McKee Library is pleased to offer interlibrary loan services to obtain books, articles,
and other material not accessible in our local collections. However, if you have
a request for a course textbook, or you just want to review a textbook for possible
inclusion in your course, we have a few suggestions, other than using interlibrary
First, if you are not sure you want to include a course textbook in your course, and
you would like to review it, please contact the publisher directly, and they will
send you a review copy, usually at no expense to you.
Second, if you are sure you want to use a course textbook, McKee Library can order a copy to place on reserve, so that your students have access to the material while studying
in the library.
Third, we have an extensive collection of eBooks, and access to nearly a million titles.
If you want to check to see if a title is available as an eBook for your class, we
are happy to do so.
Fourth, please consider the extensive Open Educational Resources that are available for free to you and your students. The library has access to
the Faculty Select database, where you can check on OER’s for your classes and also digital-rights management
free material.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Stanley Cottrell or Donald Martin with questions about physical books and eBooks.
How long will it take for me to receive my request?
Can alumni or community library users request materials?
How will I be notified that I have received interlibrary loan?
Can I renew my interlibrary loan materials?
Most lending libraries will allow patrons to borrow a book for three to four weeks, with a possibility to renew for an additional two to four weeks. Those wishing to renew can submit a request through their interlibrary loan account.
To express our appreciation to the lending libraries for this privilege, we MUST return books promptly. Failure to return materials on time jeopardizes McKee Library's borrowing privileges with other libraries.
More Information and Questions
We invite you to view our ILL policies for more information and contact Donald Martin with questions.