The two exam schedules above contain the same information. The difference is how they
are viewed. You can view the new version organized by the semester class time or the
traditional exam week model.
- Because of problems concerning time, expense, fairness, and test security, final examinations must be taken as scheduled in the official examination schedule.
- The 8:00 a.m. test period includes classes starting before 8:00 a.m. that continue
into the 8:00 a.m. hour. Classes that meet after 6:00 p.m. will be given at the regular
class time during test week.
- If a course does not include a final examination, the class should plan to meet during
the scheduled time since it is counted as a part of the total instructional time.
- Students with four exams on one day, or with three exams scheduled consecutively, may request to have an exam rescheduled. See the Associate Vice President for Academic Administration for a request form. Travel arrangements that include early departure should not be made prior to receiving written authorization from the Associate Vice President for Academic Administration. Rescheduling a midterm or final exam is $100 per class.