The School of Nursing (SON) encourages and supports a formal student organization.
The School of Nursing Club sponsors activities of both a spiritual and social nature
to enrich the lives of busy nursing students.
2020-21 Nursing Club Officers:
Honor Society
Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society seeks to foster excellence, scholarship, and leadership in nursing with the purpose of improving health care worldwide. The society promotes the use of nursing research in health care delivery and makes its resources available to all people and institutions interested in the latest knowledge in nursing care.
The Rho Iota chapter exists to promote these same initiatives for and through its members' endeavors in research and education. Through an annual Research Day, educational workshops, research grants, and achievement awards, members have an opportunity to develop leadership and be recognized as nurse professionals.
Eligibility criteria require achievement in nursing. Students in baccalaureate programs are eligible if one-half the curriculum is completed and their GPA is in the upper 35 percent of the class (minimum of 3.0). Graduate students must have a 3.50 GPA and have completed one-fourth of the curriculum.
Dues are $90 annually. Dues include subscriptions to the Journal of Nursing Scholarship and Reflections. For further information, please visit the Sigma Theta Tau International website at http://www.sigmanursing.org.
For questions regarding the Rho Iota chapter and/or application requests, please call either 423.236.2940 or 1.800.SOUTHERN (ask for the School of Nursing). You can also email us at nursing@southern.edu.
Mailing Address
Southern Adventist University
School of Nursing
P.O. Box 370
Collegedale, TN 37315
Honor Society Officers & Counselors
2020-21 Nursing Club Officers:
- President: Kaely Argueta
- Vice President:
- Co-Social Vice Presidents: Brittany Thacker and Sarah Castleberg
- Treasurer: Maya Eyres
- Outreach Coordinator/Pastor: Luke Kendall
- Co-Secretaries: Kyra Church and Alexis Bauman
- Public Relations: Cesia Trevedan
Honor Society
Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society seeks to foster excellence, scholarship, and leadership in nursing with the purpose of improving health care worldwide. The society promotes the use of nursing research in health care delivery and makes its resources available to all people and institutions interested in the latest knowledge in nursing care.
The Rho Iota chapter exists to promote these same initiatives for and through its members' endeavors in research and education. Through an annual Research Day, educational workshops, research grants, and achievement awards, members have an opportunity to develop leadership and be recognized as nurse professionals.
Eligibility criteria require achievement in nursing. Students in baccalaureate programs are eligible if one-half the curriculum is completed and their GPA is in the upper 35 percent of the class (minimum of 3.0). Graduate students must have a 3.50 GPA and have completed one-fourth of the curriculum.
Dues are $90 annually. Dues include subscriptions to the Journal of Nursing Scholarship and Reflections. For further information, please visit the Sigma Theta Tau International website at http://www.sigmanursing.org.
For questions regarding the Rho Iota chapter and/or application requests, please call either 423.236.2940 or 1.800.SOUTHERN (ask for the School of Nursing). You can also email us at nursing@southern.edu.
Mailing Address
Southern Adventist University
School of Nursing
P.O. Box 370
Collegedale, TN 37315
Honor Society Officers & Counselors
- President: Ronda Christman - 423.236.2153
- Vice President: Andrew Richards - 423.236.2971
- Treasurer: Beth Scott - 423.236.2948
- Secretary: Val Raney
- Counselor: Marla Erskine - 423.236.2965
- Governance Chair: Lilly Tryon - 423.236.2154
- Leadership Chair: Linda Lesueur