AS Nursing Degree
The Associate of Science in Nursing (AS) degree is a professional pre-licensure
program that prepares the student for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing
Licensure exam (NCLEX) to become a registered nurse. The AS program allows the student
to exit at the AS level or to transition seamlessly into the senior year BSN nursing
The AS program incorporates Christ-centered excellence throughout the curriculum. Excellence is fostered with many different clinical experiences, including hospital settings, simulation and skills lab. Critical learning is enhanced through many avenues including classroom discussion, small group activities, computer adaptive testing and a rigorous tutoring program called ASAP (Assisting Students to Achieve Professionally).
The AS faculty readily share their expertise and demonstrate compassion in their interactions with students, which helps to nurture learning.
The AS nursing program at Southern Adventist University located in Collegedale, Tennessee is accredited through the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN), 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326, (404)975-5000.
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the AS nursing program is Continuing Accreditation.
View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at http://www.acenursing.us/accreditedprograms/programSearch.htm.
The AS nursing program is approved by the Tennessee Board of Nursing, (615)532-9223.
See AS/BSN and BSN Degrees page for links to required classes (Nursing Essentials) and sample of class sequences.
Please Note: Fill out this form for enrollment opportunities. Apply by September 15 for the January BSN program. Apply by February 15 for the Fall AS to BSN program.
The AS program incorporates Christ-centered excellence throughout the curriculum. Excellence is fostered with many different clinical experiences, including hospital settings, simulation and skills lab. Critical learning is enhanced through many avenues including classroom discussion, small group activities, computer adaptive testing and a rigorous tutoring program called ASAP (Assisting Students to Achieve Professionally).
The AS faculty readily share their expertise and demonstrate compassion in their interactions with students, which helps to nurture learning.
The AS nursing program at Southern Adventist University located in Collegedale, Tennessee is accredited through the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN), 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326, (404)975-5000.
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the AS nursing program is Continuing Accreditation.
View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at http://www.acenursing.us/accreditedprograms/programSearch.htm.
The AS nursing program is approved by the Tennessee Board of Nursing, (615)532-9223.
See AS/BSN and BSN Degrees page for links to required classes (Nursing Essentials) and sample of class sequences.
Please Note: Fill out this form for enrollment opportunities. Apply by September 15 for the January BSN program. Apply by February 15 for the Fall AS to BSN program.
LPN-RN Program
Southern Adventist University School of Nursing offers the licensed practical nurse (LPN) a pathway to become a registered nurse. Upon meeting the admission requirements of the AS nursing program, the LPN will be placed in the second level of the four-level AS nursing program. Upon satisfactory completion of the three levels, the LPN student is eligible to write the NCLEX exam and become a registered nurse.
Southern Adventist University School of Nursing offers the licensed practical nurse (LPN) a pathway to become a registered nurse. Upon meeting the admission requirements of the AS nursing program, the LPN will be placed in the second level of the four-level AS nursing program. Upon satisfactory completion of the three levels, the LPN student is eligible to write the NCLEX exam and become a registered nurse.
School of Nursing, Southern Adventist University
PO Box 370 Collegedale, TN 37315