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School of Music Scholarships


How to Apply

  1. Complete the scholarship application.
  2. Audition before the School of Music faculty in your performance area (voice, piano, horn, violin, etc). Video-recorded auditions may also be submitted and are given equal consideration. The audition should consist of two contrasting selections: one primarily lyrical, the other primarily technical.
  3. Scholarship auditions may be posted to YouTube or conveyed via other online channels. If preferred, DVD submissions are acceptable. These must be in standard DVD format. Windows Media format is not acceptable. Please play your DVD on a standard DVD player (not a computer) before submitting to be sure that it functions properly. Defective DVDs will result in delayed consideration for scholarship.
  4. Materials (scanned application, YouTube audition notification) should be sent to music@southern.edu.
  5. If preferred, you may mail application and DVD to:
         Dr. Peter Cooper
         Dean, School of Music
         Southern Adventist University
         Collegedale, TN 37315

In order to guarantee consideration for the 2025–26 academic year, scholarship materials must be received by April 15, 2025.