Domestic Science & Cookery Collection
Domestic Science and Cookery Collection
Included in this collection are rare and first-edition books on the topics of domestic science and cookery. Several books written by J. Harvey Kellogg are part of the collection, including a first edition of A Household Manual (1877). Also in the collection are cookbooks with an emphasis on vegetarian food such as Novel Dishes for Vegetarian Households: A Complete and Trustworthy Guide by Mary Pope (1893) and A Few Simple Recipes: Madison Rural Sanitarium and Nashville Vegetarian Cafeteria (1900).
A Brief History
This collection began with deaccessioned items from the library’s general collection and is being supplemented with librarian acquisitions and patron donations.
Research Aids
Peruse the books found within this collection.
The Foodies’ Guide to Vegetarian Cookery in 19th Century America provides a historically significant look at vegetarian food and cookery in the United States during the long 19th century.