Services for Faculty
Quick Links for Faculty
Explore our most frequently used faculty resources.
Achieve is a database supported by Academic Administration for storing and viewing university faculty projects, publications, and presentations.
Explore the Campus Research Day event, view the schedule, and submit a proposal.
Manage your McKee Library loans and check out new materials.
EBSCO Faculty Select is a customized site that leverages the technology of the EBSCO Discovery Service platform that enables faculty to find and access open educational resource (OER) content, as well as find and request unlimited user DRM-Free eBooks from their library.
Request books, periodicals, databases, and media items.
Short term loans of textbooks and other materials are available from the Circulation Desk.
Ask a Librarian
We invite you to ask the librarians, view our FAQ, or receive research assistance by scheduling an appointment with a research coach.
Collegedale, TN 37315