Art in the Library FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
McKee Library features multiple artists throughout the academic year. If you are
an artist or know of someone who is interested in exhibiting their work, please contact
Bethany Howard using the link below. We accept most mediums and themes as long as
the works follow university guidelines. Students are encouraged to exhibit their works,
so please share this information widely.
How should I prepare my art for display?
The library uses a hook-and-wire hanging system, so all art pieces must come equipped
with a wire on the back for hanging.
For how long is each exhibit on display?
Generally about four months: (Jan/Feb/Mar/April; May/June/July/August; Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec)
How many pieces can be in an exhibit?
This depends greatly on the size of the pieces, but it is possible for us to hang
as many as 30-50 pieces. The gallery wall on second floor can accommodate approximately
14 average-size pieces. The exhibition area on first floor can accommodate approximately
28 average-size pieces, in sets.
Can there be an exhibit with fewer pieces?
What types of art can be displayed?
We are open to all sorts of art and mediums, as long as they follow the moral guidelines
of the university (no nudity; no depictions of questionable behavior; no profanity).
In addition to art, is there anything the artist must provide?
Yes. Artists must provide a statement about the exhibit/artist of 150-300 words. This
will be displayed as interpretive signage near the artwork so viewers can read the
statement(s) and understand what they are seeing. If you would like to include a picture
with the statement you may, but this is not required. In addition, artists must provide
text for a business-card size information panel to be placed near each piece in the
exhibit, detailing: title of work, medium (if applicable), artist (if the display
involves more than one artist), and a note about the piece (if desired). Examples
of such statements may be found online here.
Is there anything to sign?
All artists must sign an art exhibit agreement that stating that McKee Library is
not liable for any damage. (We’ve never had any damage to any of our artwork.) Artists
are also asked if their works can be posted on Knowledge Exchange, Southern Adventist
University's institutional repository. Addition to the repository is optional, but
encouraged. Works are posted on Knowledge Exchange with a Creative Commons 4.0 International
I am interested in exhibiting my work. What do I do next?
More Information & Exhibit Your Works
For more information or to exhibit your works at McKee Library, please contact Bethany Howard.