Where do I find information about music I heard on WSMC?
WSMC’s extensive music playlist is posted online. Simply click on the date you heard the music, and you’ll be able
to view the complete playlist for that day.
Can I buy music from WSMC?
WSMC is non-profit radio station with no retail sales license. However, we can
point you in the right direction! Look at our playlist for complete information,
including record label information.
How do I become a WSMC member?
WSMC would love to have you as a member! Please visit our membership page for more information on the many ways you can become a supporter and member of WSMC.
Is WSMC a non profit tax-exempt institution?
Yes, WSMC is licensed and operated by Southern Adventist University, and as such
is a tax-exempt 501(c)3. For more information on WSMC’s operations and financials,
please contact Robby Raney by emailing wsmc@southern.edu.
Does WSMC accept Public Service Announcements?
Organizations may submit materials to WSMC by email to wsmc@southern.edu, by fax at 423.236.1905, or even by standard mail. The event must be related to the
arts (i.e. classical music, dance, exhibit, lecture, etc.), and we need to receive
a press release or brief description at least two weeks prior to the event.
How can I contact one of your student announcers?
Students can be reached through the corporate email at wsmc@southern.edu. Simply put the name of the student you wish to contact in the subject line.
Who works at WSMC?
WSMC is proud to employ an all-student staff to serve as program producers as
well as on-air announcers. Robby Raney is our full-time General Manager and Jeremy
Francisco is our full-time Accounts Manager.
Where can I hear WSMC?
WSMC is a 100,000-watt radio station with the ability to reach Knoxville, parts
of Georgia, North Carolina, and Alabama. You can also stream WSMC anywhere you have
an internet connection using our apps for iOS and Android, not to mention streaming
from WSMC.org.
What is your mission?
To delight the classical music lover.