Code of Conduct
The Hulsey Wellness Center staff appreciates your cooperation in creating a friendly
and positive environment for working out and social opportunities in our facilities.
An explanation of the Code of Conduct is listed below:
Members and Guests Code of Conduct
Hulsey Wellness Center - Southern Adventist University
Membership in the Hulsey Wellness Center and its programs is a privilege. All members
and guests who use the facilities and its programs agree to adhere to the following
Code of Conduct:
Members and guests are expected to:
Members and guests are expected to:
- Treat the Hulsey Wellness Center staff and facilities with respect.
- Act with character and courtesy while respecting the rights, welfare, and dignity of all others in the Hulsey Wellness Center facilities.
- Adhere to the rules and policies set by the Hulsey Wellness Center and Southern Adventist University in its facilities and programs.
- Act in a safe, responsible manner regarding themselves and others.