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Parent Orientation

Parent Orientation

Parent orientation

As a parent of a new student, we understand you may be wondering what life will be like for students on our campus this school year.

Parent orientation will include the following topics:

Student Development - July 8 and August 5, 7:00 PM

July 8 Zoom link: https://southern.zoom.us/j/97297682816 
Aug 5 Zoom link: https://southern.zoom.us/j/92613289297 

Find out about life in the residence halls, Student Support Services, student activities, and the enrichment program, which offers worships, convocations, music performances, and cultural programming. The University's Drug and Alcohol Policy and Title IX also will be discussed.


  • Dionne Felix
  • Dennis Negron

July 8, 2024 Recording: to be added

Health and Safety - July 9 and August 6, 7:00 PM

July 9 Zoom link: https://southern.zoom.us/j/97237558462 
Aug 6 Zoom link: https://southern.zoom.us/j/96069694287 

Learn about the university’s commitment to keeping students healthy and safe. Whether your student isn’t feeling well or needs help jump-starting a dead car battery, caring staff are always ready to help.


  • Candy Wing 
  • Shawn Haas

July 9, 2023 Recording: to be added

Finances - July 10 and August 7, 7:00 PM

July 10 Zoom link: https://southern.zoom.us/j/93828756490 
Aug 7 Zoom link: https://southern.zoom.us/j/96631359967 

Gain more information on financial planning, payment plans, and meal plans along with student employment options.


  • Kaylie Ackerman
  • Michael Rumsey
July 10, 2023 Recording: to be added

Office of Ministry and Missions - July 11 and August 8, 7:00 PM

July 11 Zoom link: https://southern.zoom.us/j/94824478771 
Aug 8 Zoom link: https://southern.zoom.us/j/98745278550 

Learn about spiritual support resources and spiritual life on campus.


  • Joseph Khabbaz

July 11, 2023 Recording: to be added

Please contact us with questions.

Renita Moore, FYE directorRenita Moore
First Year Experience Coordinator

423.236.2575 (Office)
423.236.1782 (Fax)

Additional Information for Parents

Resources to help you navigate Southern alongside your student