Campus Resources
Administrative Contacts

Title IX Coordinator
Title IX Coordinator
Dennis Negrón
Vice President for Student Development
Office of Student Development
Southern Adventist University

Title IX Deputy (student-related)
Renita Moore
First Year Experience Coordinator
Lynn Wood Hall
Southern Adventist University

Title IX Deputy (student-related)
Lunelle Bertresse
Assistant Professor of Social Work
Daniels Hall
Southern Adventist University

Title IX Deputy (employee-related)
Associate Vice President for Human Resources
Brenda Flores-Lopez
Human Resource office
Southern Adventist University
Other On-Campus Resources
Campus Safety
Campus Safety encourages any student, faculty, or staff member who has been sexually assaulted to report this incident to its office. From a safety and investigatory standpoint, the sooner a sexual assault is reported, the better. Even so, the university strongly encourages reporting at any time victims are ready to do so.
If Complainants report a sexual assault to Campus Safety, after the Complainants’ immediate needs have been attended to, they are interviewed by a member of the Campus Safety staff and asked to share their accounts of what took place. This conversation may take place in the offices of the Campus Services Building on Colcord Drive or at another space on campus the Complainants find more comfortable. Complainants are asked to write down their report, but the officer may ask them additional questions to make sure all of the important details are recorded. The officer takes notes, and once these notes are typed up, victims are asked to review them for accuracy.
In the event that a situation arises on campus, that, in the judgment of the Director of Campus Safety or his/her designee, constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus-wide “timely warning” will be issued by Marketing and University Relations. The warning will be issued through the university e-mail system to the university assigned email of students and employees. The warning is general and will not specify names or other identifying information. Reports of sexual assault made to Campus Safety are also reported to the Title IX Coordinator or the Title IX Designee. Complainants are also encouraged to report any sexual assault to the Collegedale Police Department; however, reporting a sexual assault to Campus Safety does not commit Complainants to pursuing this avenue.
Residence Halls
Lisa Hall, Dean of Students/Director of Residence LIfe
Counseling Services
Lauree Fogg, Office Manager
University Health Service
Candace Wing, Director
Chaplain’s Office
Anna Bennett, Associate Chaplain
Campus Safety encourages any student, faculty, or staff member who has been sexually assaulted to report this incident to its office. From a safety and investigatory standpoint, the sooner a sexual assault is reported, the better. Even so, the university strongly encourages reporting at any time victims are ready to do so.
If Complainants report a sexual assault to Campus Safety, after the Complainants’ immediate needs have been attended to, they are interviewed by a member of the Campus Safety staff and asked to share their accounts of what took place. This conversation may take place in the offices of the Campus Services Building on Colcord Drive or at another space on campus the Complainants find more comfortable. Complainants are asked to write down their report, but the officer may ask them additional questions to make sure all of the important details are recorded. The officer takes notes, and once these notes are typed up, victims are asked to review them for accuracy.
In the event that a situation arises on campus, that, in the judgment of the Director of Campus Safety or his/her designee, constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus-wide “timely warning” will be issued by Marketing and University Relations. The warning will be issued through the university e-mail system to the university assigned email of students and employees. The warning is general and will not specify names or other identifying information. Reports of sexual assault made to Campus Safety are also reported to the Title IX Coordinator or the Title IX Designee. Complainants are also encouraged to report any sexual assault to the Collegedale Police Department; however, reporting a sexual assault to Campus Safety does not commit Complainants to pursuing this avenue.
Residence Halls
Lisa Hall, Dean of Students/Director of Residence LIfe
Counseling Services
Lauree Fogg, Office Manager
University Health Service
Candace Wing, Director
Chaplain’s Office
Anna Bennett, Associate Chaplain