Identity & Value in Jesus
Encounter God Personally

Learn what God wants to say to you by reading Scripture. Use a Bible translation you can understand such as the NLT or ESV. Start in Psalms, one of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), or Philippians. Begin by reading only 10-15 texts at a time, several times over.
Bible Reading Plan
For a deeper dive into the Bible, take note of things that stand out to you within the passage you are reading and any questions you have. Then, ask yourself: 1) “How does this intersect with my life?" and 2) "What is God's invitation to me?" Write these things in a journal or notebook.
Bible Journaling Guide
Continue your reflective journaling by talking to God about your hopes, dreams, and concerns. Writing your prayers may help you stay focused. Praise God for who He is. Give thanks for what He is doing in your life. Confess what the Holy Spirit convicts you to give up. And ask God for what you need.
Prayer PromptsHow to Get Started
Jesus gave us the best example for connecting with His Heavenly Father by withdrawing from others and praying to God in solitude. While there's a time and place for LifeGroups and other corporate worship experiences, maximize your relationship with Jesus by spending time alone with Him.
In addition to having conversation with God throughout the day, ask God to be your alarm clock and to wake you up in such a way that you have ample time to talk with God without being rushed. As the Author of Time, God can also make space in your busy schedule for you to meet with Him if you ask.
Pray and ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit that God would fulfill His promise in Ezekiel 36:26-27 to give you a new heart and a new spirit, able to hear and respond to His invitation for your life.
Psalm 91 invites us to come into the presence of God through the secret or hidden place. Withdraw from crowded spaces, from your distracting room, etc. and find a quiet location without interruptions.
There's no rubric and you don't get a grade for spending time with God; however, choosing to intentionally connect with Him daily will maximize your relationship with Jesus and lead you to experience joy, peace, love, and hope.
What do you need to connect with Jesus? A Bible you can easily understand, a journal, writing utensils, etc. Put all your devotional materials on your nightstand where they are easy to grab in the morning or have them ready to travel if you're going to another location.
If you have a thriving devotional life...
Help for the Journey
As you walk with Jesus, it's common to hit some bumps along the way. Our campus chaplains are here to walk alongside you to encourage and inspire.