Fall Adventist Heritage Tour
Director: Professor Jud Lake
Students interested in future tours may pick up a tour application from Janita Herod
in Hackman Hall Room 211. The cost of the future tours will be approximately $500,
which may be charged to a Southern student's account as a lab fee if she or he is
registered for RELT 139. See the application form regarding participants who are not
registering for credit.
***Due to COVID no tours are scheduled at this time.

The McKee Library recently designated a study room for Ellen White's writings. Pictures of Adventist pioneers decorate the walls. A conference table allows for small groups to go there for study and research of White's writings.
DVDs related to Seventh-day Adventist history such as "The Midnight Cry" and "Keepers of the Flame" are available from the Adventist Book Center.
The Ellen G. White Writings Comprehensive Research Edition on CD-ROM. Contains 75,000 pages of E. G. White materials, plus Legacy of Light, a multimedia disc containing materials relating to EGW/Seventh-day Adventist history; and Words of the Adventist Pioneers, containing approximately 175,000 pages of Adventist pioneer and historical publications. Available from the Ellen G. White Estate or the Adventist Book Center.
The E. G. White Digital Study Center on DVD. Contains the Ellen G. White Estate "Question
and Answer File" and selections from its "Document File"—providing answers to hundreds
of questions asked of the Ellen G. White Estate over the past 75 years, together with documents pertaining to Adventist history, Ellen
White, and her teachings.
Also available at the Adventist Book Center are:
- Ellen G. White Encyclopedia, by Denis Fortin
- Messenger of the Lord, by Herbert E. Douglass
- Ellen G. White Biography, by Arthur L. White (six volumes)
- Ellen White Under Fire, by Jud Lake
Lecture Series Speakers
November 7 and 8, 2018—Frank Hasel, Associate Director of the Biblical Research Institute (BRI) at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Silver Springs, Maryland
October 25 and 26, 2017—Philip G. Samaan, professor of ministry and spirituality, School of Religion, Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee.
October 26 and 27, 2016—George Knight, professor emeritus of church history and Adventist heritage, Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
October 7 and 8, 2015—Judson Lake, professor of homiletics and Adventist studies, Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee.
October 1 and 2, 2014—Alberto Timm, associate director of the Ellen G. White Estate, Silver Spring, Maryland.
October 2 and 3, 2013—James Nix, director of the Ellen G. White Estate, Silver Spring, Maryland.
October 10 and 11, 2012—Merlin Burt, director for the Center for Adventist Research and White Estate Branch Office, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
October 12 and 13, 2011—Cindy Tutsch, associate director for the Ellen G. White Estate, Silver Spring, Maryland.
October 27 and 28, 2010—George Knight, professor emeritus of church history and Adventist heritage, Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.