Seventh-day Adventist International Faith and Science Conferences
The meetings were authorized by the the General Conference Executive Committee to address the growing influence of the theory of evolution on modern society. Scholarly papers by theologians, scientists, and educators were presented to review the Adventist position on origins and discuss challenges to the position. Beyond addressing philosophical, scientific, and theological questions, the conferences addressed the need to connect the church's teaching on origins to everyday life so it remains part of a living faith that provides practical guidance for church members.
The conferences resulted in an affirmation of the doctrine of creation in Scripture as understood by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Affirmation of Creation (Excerpt)
As a result of the two international conferences and the seven division conferences, the Organizing Committee reports the following affirmations:
- We affirm the primacy of Scripture in the Seventh-day Adventist understanding of origins.
- We affirm the historic Seventh-day Adventist understanding of Genesis 1 that life on earth was created in six literal days and is of recent origin.
- We affirm the biblical account of the Fall resulting in death and evil.
- We affirm the biblical account of a catastrophic Flood, an act of God’s judgment that affected the whole planet, as an important key to understanding earth history.
- We affirm that our limited understanding of origins calls for humility and that further exploration into these questions brings us closer to deep and wonderful mysteries.
- We affirm the interlocking nature of the doctrine of creation with other Seventh-day Adventist doctrines.
- We affirm that in spite of its fallenness nature is a witness to the Creator.
- We affirm Seventh-day Adventist scientists in their endeavors to understand the Creator’s handiwork through the methodologies of their disciplines.
- We affirm Seventh-day Adventist theologians in their efforts to explore and articulate the content of revelation.
- We affirm Seventh-day Adventist educators in their pivotal ministry to the children and youth of the church.
- We affirm that the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church identified in Revelation 14:6, 7 includes a call to worship God as Creator of all.
General Conference Executive Committee Acceptance of Report
On October 13, 2004, the General Conference Executive Committee of the Seventh-day Adventist Church accepted and voted the following response to the International Faith & Science Conference report: