Bennett Commissioned: Empowering Students' Spiritual Growth


SAU spiritual leaders in the church
SAU spiritual leader

If there’s anything that Anna Bennett wants to be known for in life, it’s firstly loving Jesus and her family and, secondly, empowering emerging adults in authentic, intimate relationships with Christ. Bennett, who has served as the associate chaplain at Southern Adventist University since 2014, was voted to receive the Commissioned Minister Credential by the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in April.

“The Southern Union is very thankful for the ministry that Chaplain Bennett provides to the students, faculty, and staff of Southern Adventist University,” says Jim Davidson, executive secretary for the Southern Union Conference. “We are blessed to have her gifts and talents dedicated to the ministry of this vital group. We congratulate her on her recent commissioning in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.”

Joseph Khabbaz, vice president for Spiritual Life and Chaplain at Southern, shares, “We are blessed to have Anna serve in the Office of Ministry and Missions and affirm her crucial ministry role on campus. Anna nurtures the spiritual growth of Southern students through her empathic care. She fosters an empowering environment, and this empowerment has led many students to consider their calling and granted them the courage to start ministries at their local church once they graduate.”

In her role as associate chaplain, Bennett provides spiritual care to students and cultivates a sense of belonging through overseeing Southern’s LifeGroups ministry. Bennett recently earned a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry from Andrews University and received endorsement by the North American Division (NAD) Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries Department. She also serves as the president of the NAD Campus Chaplain’s Council.

Bennett shares, “This is a truly humbling recognition—one I know I am not worthy to receive based on my merit or my effort but based on the righteousness of Christ alone, who declares: ‘You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you,’ (John 15:16).”

Bennett believes the most effective ministry comes from the overflow of her own loving relationship with Jesus. She and her husband, Euwayne, frequently host students in their home as a part of their ministry to plant the seed of life-changing spiritual transformation and encourage lasting relationships with Jesus Christ.

“Anna is fueled by her divine call to extend compassion toward others, which allows her to connect heart-to-heart with our students and inspire them to be more like Jesus,” Khabbaz says. “Through modeling her journey with Jesus to our students, many students’ lives have been transformed for eternity.”

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