Alumni-Student Mentoring
What is Alumni-Student Mentoring?
Our vision with this mentoring program is for current students to learn about their fields of interest from alumni who have experience in those areas. Mentorship can help students develop their career path, build a professional network, improve important life skills, and encourage their spiritual growth. These are just a few ways alumni can have a lasting and invaluable impact on the life of a student through mentorship.
If you would like to sign up as a mentor, please fill out the application below. For additional information, email alumni@southern.edu.
Mentor Training
Watch as Moses Maier and Michelle Doucoumes introduce the Alumni Business Mentorship Program and offer training and guidance for mentors.
Mentoring Framework
Your mentorship can change a students life, and all it may take is 4 sessions.
First Session
- Introductions
- Get to know the interests and goals of your mentee
- Discuss career path options related to their current interests
- Share key components of your journey to date and the things you found to be most helpful or those you wish you could have avoided
Second Session
- Discuss networking strategies, especially those specific to your mentee's chosen field
- If geographically possible, invite them to spend time with you at your workplace
Third Session
- Discuss approaches for continued self-improvement and development within your mentee's chosen career
- Share with them any continued education you have obtained and positions held that have had a positive impact on your career
- Discuss what it means to find balance and discuss things they may struggle with currently that you may be able to relate to
- Discuss what it means to pursue your passion in work and how you balance work, social life, and family life in that framework
Fourth Session
- Discuss spiritual growth in business
- Share how your spiritual life and work intersected
- Reflect on what has been discussed over the last few visits and share any additional thoughts
- If desired by both participants, offer to remain as a contact and source of advice for them through their future endeavors