Honduras - VIDA International
VIDA exists to form missionaries by developing, perfecting and promoting wholistic evangelism in Central America, fulfilling the gospel commission in cooperation with the Seventh-day Adventist church.
VIDA exists to develop missionaries and proclaim the everlasting gospel primarily to the countries of Central America. We seek to do this through our bilingual elementary/middle school, 10-month missionary training school, and lifestyle center.
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VIDA exists to form missionaries by developing, perfecting and promoting wholistic evangelism in Central America, fulfilling the gospel commission in cooperation with the Seventh-day Adventist church.
VIDA exists to develop missionaries and proclaim the everlasting gospel primarily to the countries of Central America. We seek to do this through our bilingual elementary/middle school, 10-month missionary training school, and lifestyle center.
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- Average Fundraising Goal: May vary. ~$2,100 for one semester. See Student Missions Office.
- Timeline: We ask that missionaries serve at least one school year (beginning of February until the beginning of December). However, we understand that some are not able to serve for this amount of time. If any desire to serve for a shorter amount of time, we will not reject their application.
- Location: Francisco Morazan, Honduras Check out the location on Google Maps!
- Living Accommodations: The missionary will be staying in a dormitory that houses either the male or female missionaries. The dorm has electricity, bunk beds, a place to hang clothes, a bathroom, etc.
- Language: English. Teachers must be able to speak and teach in English. It would be a plus if they could also speak Spanish, but this is not required. Almost all of the classes in 3rd to 9th grade are taught in English.
- Food: Provided by the organization, all meals are vegan.
- Requirements: If under 21 years of age, the missionary will need to speak with a lawyer in order to obtain permission from their parents to leave the country, as well as to become a resident in a different country. The missionary will need to apply for residency once they arrive. The process will cost around $250 for one year (this amount will be covered by the fundraising goal).
- Teacher - Teach Bible, reading, language & grammar, phonics, spelling, science, music, social studies, mathematics and practical arts. Plan each class for every quarter in the school year. Test students once every month. Make a system of grading for every subject based on the Honduran grading percentages. Give personality grades at the end of each quarter. Write the different topics seen in class in the daily planner. Turn in grades at the end of each quarter.

Learn more about VIDA International
Interested in Honduras?
Apply for your preferred position at least four months before you plan to serve, though spots may be available up until a month before departure.