Baltimore - Bible Worker
The Chesapeake Conference is partnering with It Is Written to coordinate a large evangelism initiative in the Baltimore area throughout 2024 and 2025 which will culminate in multiple evangelistic meetings throughout the Baltimore metro area in October 2025. One of the main sites will be a series of meetings conducted by It Is Written and copreached by John Bradshaw, Speaker of It Is Written, and Alexander Bryant, North American Division President. Leading up to the fall of 2025 there is a whole process of prework and community ministries that will be done to form relationships and gain interests in the areas of this main evangelistic meeting. Our priority is to conduct this meeting in an unentered area of Baltimore and plant a church.
Chesapeake is looking to hire a team of 3-4 Bible workers to work in the Baltimore area to prepare for these evangelistic meetings by gaining and working with Bible study interests from August 1, 2024, through December 31, 2025. To give the Bible workers interest to start with, Chesapeake will be doing a large mailing of Bible study interest cards to the areas where the Bible workers will be assigned.
The Bible Worker’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Position Info
The Chesapeake Conference is partnering with It Is Written to coordinate a large evangelism initiative in the Baltimore area throughout 2024 and 2025 which will culminate in multiple evangelistic meetings throughout the Baltimore metro area in October 2025. One of the main sites will be a series of meetings conducted by It Is Written and copreached by John Bradshaw, Speaker of It Is Written, and Alexander Bryant, North American Division President. Leading up to the fall of 2025 there is a whole process of prework and community ministries that will be done to form relationships and gain interests in the areas of this main evangelistic meeting. Our priority is to conduct this meeting in an unentered area of Baltimore and plant a church.
Chesapeake is looking to hire a team of 3-4 Bible workers to work in the Baltimore area to prepare for these evangelistic meetings by gaining and working with Bible study interests from August 1, 2024, through December 31, 2025. To give the Bible workers interest to start with, Chesapeake will be doing a large mailing of Bible study interest cards to the areas where the Bible workers will be assigned.
The Bible Worker’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Possessing a good understanding of the Bible and Seventh-day Adventist theology and being able to convincingly teach it to non-members.
- Showing an uncompromised commitment to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, its teachings, and values.
- Helping Bible study interests make decisions for Christ and church membership and prepare them for baptism.
- Motivate, mobilize, train, and assist church members to follow-up interest lists and give Bible studies. This will include taking church members on your Bible studies and accompanying them on their studies while they are training.
- Help churches develop a computerized database of interests from multiple sources including inactive and former members, media, church visitors, church community events, mailing of Bible study interest cards, door-to-door work, and other sources.
- Assist the pastor and church leadership so that there are planned reaping events and other appropriate church events to which the Bible study interests are invited.
- Report to the pastor of the church on a weekly basis to receive instructions for the coming week. The pastor will serve as the Bible worker’s direct supervisor.
- Work with public evangelistic meetings by inviting your Bible study interests to the meetings, attending the meetings, and working with following up on interests generated by the meetings.
- Keep an organized database of Bible students and their current lessons.
- Take surveys in the community when needed to get additional Bible studies for the Bible worker or for members.
- Work closely with the church pastor and church coordinator of outreach to promote the church’s evangelistic objectives and to develop a church culture that is friendly to nonmembers attending church.
- Submit monthly written reports of your work to the pastor, church board, and conference.
- Attend the church on Sabbath to develop relationships with members, train and engage them in Bible studies, turn church visitors into Bible studies, and welcome your interests to church.
- 25% of the Bible worker’s time should include training church members to give Bible studies. This training can take the form of the Bible worker bringing members along to learn as the Bible study is conducted.
Position Info
- Wage: $23.00/hr (up to $3,680/month)
- Full-time/Hourly
- Reports to:: Local Church Pastor & David Klinedinst, Evangelism Director
- Benefits: Healthcare, Retirement
- A working knowledge of the Bible and fundamental teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
- Completion of college training in Religion/Theology or evangelism training school.
- Faithful, self-motivated, and proactive work style.
- Good organization, presentation, and time management skills
- Good social skills and ability to relate to and befriend people.
- Excellent team member and teachable.
- Ability to get around independently.
- Former experience as a Bible Worker or Literature Evangelist is a plus.
Interested in Serving?
Apply for your preferred position at least four months before you plan to serve, though spots may be available up until a month before departure.