Southern Adventist University requires students enrolled in on-campus classes to have health insurance.
For policy information on benefits, terms, and limits, visit www.uhcsr.com/southern. To access your account and to print your card, first create an account, then log in and select the blue circle on the right that says ‘ID card’ and follow instructions to print your ID card.
Southern requires all students living in university housing and/or taking classes on campus to have health insurance that complies with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and offers MEDICAL coverage in the state of Tennessee. As a service to our students, Southern offers an affordable nationwide Platinum level health insurance plan with United Healthcare Student Resources (UHCSR).
Students taking six or more credit hours on campus during the school year (three or
more credit hours during any summer session) or living in university housing are eligible and automatically enrolled in the Sickness and Injury plan from UHCSR unless a signed waiver, indicating insurance coverage compliant with the ACA, has been submitted
to opt out. All undergraduate students must submit a Health Insurance Waiver/Enrollment form during registration.
Insurance Rates for the 2024-2025 Policy Year
Summer 2024: $842 5/8/2024 – 8/19/2024
Smart Start/Jump Start 2024: $283 7/16/2024 – 8/19/2024
Smart Start/Fall: $1112 7/16/2023 – 12/31/2024
Fall 2024: $881 8/21/2024 – 12/31/2024
Winter 2025: $861 1/1/2025 – 5/11/2025
Summer 2025: $659 5/12/2025 – 8/19/2025
Annual: $2401 8/20/2024 – 8/19/2025
For the policy to be valid, students must actively attend classes for the first 31 days after the date of policy inception. A refund of the premium, less claims paid, is allowed in the following cases: 1) entry into the Armed Forces or 2) withdrawing from school within the 31 days after the policy inception date.
To purchase a plan with United Healthcare Student Resources (UHCSR), select and complete the Health Insurance Enrollment form. After receiving enrollment confirmation, you will need to access your account and print your ID card. Log on to UHCSR Website. Create an account by clicking the 'ID CARD', and follow instructions to print your ID card.
If you have your own plan, complete and submit the Health Insurance Waiver form.
All students living in university housing and undergraduate students taking six or more credit hours on campus during the school year (three credit hours or more during any summer session), are eligible to purchase Health Insurance from UHCSR.
Students who are enrolled in the following programs are not eligible to purchase coverage from UHCSR: online classes only, Consortium, Practicum only, Adventist Colleges Abroad, and Student Missionaries (unless they are serving in the US). In addition, students enrolled on campus for five credit hours or fewer are not eligible to purchase insurance from UHCSR unless they are living in university housing.
All undergraduate students living in university housing are required by Southern to have health insurance coverage that complies with the Affordable Care Act and are eligible to purchase Health Insurance from UHC. If you have your own plan, refer to ‘WAIVE’ subheading above. To purchase a plan, refer to ‘ENROLL’ subheading above.