Tutoring Info
The School of Business offers in-person tutoring (based on room availability) and
video-conference tutoring via Zoom.
Due to the current uncertainty of in-person tutor availability, all sessions will
be held online. Click here to arrange a tutoring session.
In-person sessions take place in Brock Hall rooms 3319/3125. Students will only have
access to the lab when a tutor is present.
The School of Business employs students as tutors for the following subjects:
- Personal Finance (BUAD-128)
- Principles of Accounting I (ACCT-221)
- Principles of Accounting II (ACCT-222)
- Intermediate Accounting I (ACCT-311)
- Intermediate Accounting II (ACCT-312)
- Tax Practice (ACCT-461)
- Financial Accounting (ACCT-505)
- Intermediate Financial Accounting I (ACCT-507)
- Intermediate Financial Accounting II (ACCT-508)
- Principles of Finance (FNCE-315)
- Principles of Finance (FNCE-505)
Laptops are available for use but are not permitted to leave the labs under any circumstances.
The Brock Hall computer lab uses Windows 10 as the operating system on all computers. In addition, the following software programs are available to students on all the computers:
- Microsoft Office Suite 2016 including; Office 2016, Excel 2016 Access 2016, PowerPoint 2016, and Publisher 2016
- SPSS Statistics 24
- Peachtree Accounting Software
- Adobe Acrobat Professional 9.0
- Adobe InDesign CS6
For more information, please contact Christopher Miller at miller@southern.edu.
Disclaimer: To support the needs of as many students as possible, we kindly ask that you limit your sessions to 90 minutes of tutoring per day, and a maximum of 4.5 hours/per week (three 90-minute sessions). Thank you for your cooperation.