My Hopes and Dreams
August 23, 2021
By Tadia Foster, MSW, LMSW
Tadia graduated with a BA in English in 2016.
“Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” Nora Ephron
When I reflect on my time at Southern Adventist University, I am reminded of the many ups and downs that typically accompany an undergraduate and graduate experience.
I was not the ordinary student. By the time I had arrived at the university, I had changed my major quite a few times but had developed a greater sense of self.
As a minority and a first-generation immigrant’s child living in the United States, I had faced the challenges of acculturation and assimilation. Some of questions that would go through my mind were—will I fit in? Would I succeed in this educational system? How can I afford this school? What are my options? What does my future look like?
Thankfully, with time all of these endless questions resolved themselves. I successfully completed a BA and MSW from the university. Although I have gone through many experiences, some that stand out to me are my writing classes and the graduate internships. I believe that these experiences aided in deepening my understanding of who I am as a professional and helped me to develop a greater self-consciousness. It also assisted in creating the road map for my life.
Some of my greatest hopes include settling down with my current significant other within the next year, continuing to develop my skillset as a newly licensed master social worker, and publishing my creative writing portfolio of free verse poetry. In addition, my end goal is to become a clinical psychologist specializing in clinical neuropsychology. It is my deepest desire to assist the majority group as well as minority groups in the United States to see the importance of maintaining good mental health.
Some of my dreams include becoming a well-known free verse poet, real estate investor, and continuing to develop my faith.
Above all, I am thankful for my time at the university. The staff and professors are a caring group of professionals who dedicate themselves to every student’s success.
I am well aware that I am living the dreams of my ancestors. I firmly accept that education aids in setting a path for one to follow. I will continue down the path that the Most High has set for me and enjoy the journey. My Utmost for the Highest.